Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Vegan Chilla/ Chickpea flour pancake

Vegan Chilla/ Chickpea flour pancake.

Vegan Chilla/ Chickpea flour pancake You can cook Vegan Chilla/ Chickpea flour pancake using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Vegan Chilla/ Chickpea flour pancake

  1. It's of Chickpea flour (besan/ garbanzo beans flour).
  2. You need of paprika.
  3. It's of garam masala.
  4. You need of black pepper.
  5. You need of teaspoon turmeric.
  6. You need of finely chopped red onions.
  7. You need of coriander leaves.
  8. You need of finely chopped tomatoes.
  9. Prepare of Salt.
  10. Prepare of olive oil (vegan) / ghee for brushing.

Vegan Chilla/ Chickpea flour pancake step by step

  1. Make a batter by mixing all the above ingredients in a mixing bowl. The consistency of the batter should be similar to dosa, crepes. Ensure that there are no flour lumps in the batter..
  2. Pour this batter on a medium-hot well-greased pan and cook on low flame till the chilla is cooked on both sides. Serve with coriander chutney..
  3. Serve and Enjoy..

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